Bankrupt! - Phoenix

This quote was added by user705660
Caledonian, rich and young. Self-entitled portrait. Court in session, justice done. I'll rush into it anyway, forever is for everyone else. We're off a couple secrets. Another lonely Tuesday home. Stolen kisses anyone near.

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user491757 134.82 100%
user64764 120.84 92.5%
shasan18 107.51 97.8%
strikeemblem 103.56 97.4%
rivendellis 103.46 94.9%
yagoliz 95.16 99.1%
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galaxy.speck. 90.37 99.6%

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lome 79.07 95.3%
ashraful12113 39.04 96.5%
viren9508 43.11 92.5%