Turn Signals - The Snarkster

This quote was added by snarkster
I want to personally thank all of those people who actually use their turn signals when they are turning on the road. You seem to be few and far between these days. For those people who do not use their turn signal, you are dead to me.

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camberden 2 years, 6 months ago
You're welcome ;P
flurri8 2 years, 8 months ago

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user871724 178.75 93.6%
restspeaker 174.03 100%
hololivefan 171.96 100%
penguino_beano 159.02 98.7%
thorgott2 153.28 100%
hackertyper492 151.96 98.3%
fiddledy_rick 151.15 98.7%
alexnguyen11 149.78 98.7%
user491757 148.80 99.6%
user64764 147.40 95.5%

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dante-didit 115.75 97.9%
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jbshelfer6 85.15 94.4%
stevendiao 96.41 96.3%
user97523 95.60 99.2%
gotwood248 77.03 93.6%