One Handed - Heidi

This quote was added by greitensh
There are many words in the English language that we can sit here and type with both hands, but did you know that you can type the phrase "sweater dresses" all with your left hand? Now you do. Sweater dresses. Sweater dresses. Sweater dresses.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 166.91 99.2%
hiramisu 136.86 100%
geryjs 110.59 97.2%
rkdwjdals 95.32 95.7%
user398670 83.11 96.0%
rrapattoni 72.65 94.2%
slaughtermelon 71.92 94.9%
sgann001 68.41 94.9%
abdullahtariq_t 65.89 92.7%
justkidding 65.22 89.5%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
jena83 52.74 93.5%
geryjs 101.23 93.8%
nightowl_1325 44.36 97.6%
user99861 41.64 86.2%
typin_ 166.91 99.2%
hiramisu 136.86 100%
mei707 59.45 92.8%
rrapattoni 72.65 94.2%