uwu - Urban Dictionary - Goldfishiee

This quote was added by user640549
A texting emoticon used to show cuteness but also is sin to the internet world. It is basically banned worldwide never use in any circumstances unless you want to be attacked.

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localbisexual 2 years, 4 months ago
hehe... uwu

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Name WPM Accuracy
uncleron 132.63 97.8%
penguino_beano 131.90 98.3%
deadmoose 125.58 100%
bmcgoo 125.18 100%
user491757 124.17 96.7%
violet12333 124.03 94.6%
achildslaughter 120.12 98.9%
dedricfrese20 118.50 97.2%
user586219 118.01 95.6%
vmlm 117.22 97.8%

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peachflavoredrings 90.90 96.2%
user106803 43.82 85.4%
user104477 41.37 88.9%