Been a year, 30 to 80 - Saralia

This quote was added by user90816
It's been a year since I've joined this website, practicing to type faster. A year ago my top speed was 30 WPM, which is unimpressive, and I'm here now aiming for 90 WPM. With a stable average of 85 WPM for about 2 months now, I think I hit my plateau. I blame my keyboard for that.

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jjp 2 years, 7 months ago
Did you reach your goal?

Test your skills, take the Typing Test.

Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user491757 126.24 98.3%
user871724 111.96 96.6%
strikeemblem 110.81 97.6%
netramz 109.91 98.6%
gordonlew 109.02 96.2%
mafuso 107.77 98.6%
user717489 107.68 97.6%
rivendellis 107.44 98.3%
cornvelious 106.52 97.6%
timbosupreme 105.46 97.6%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
lacsaokarylle08 64.71 97.9%
user93859 43.72 98.3%
jenslysajan 87.01 97.9%
elpatrongarcia 81.35 95.6%
reasonablereason 70.09 95.3%
cornvelious 106.52 97.6%
veah 62.51 94.6%
user422597 50.60 95.9%