Hello - Celia

This quote was added by celia_is_goat
Hello, I just if your typing this I just wanted to say hi and that everything will be okay. I know that you might be writing this without actually reading this, but just know that you are amazing and unstoppable!#smile for life.

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hiramisu 3 months, 3 weeks ago
Thanks for the positive message, but that hashtag really tripped me up :c

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hiramisu 142.63 98.7%
dante-didit 122.94 99.6%
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space_cadet 108.02 95.4%
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user69000 92.74 99.1%
user78528 92.13 93.8%

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dante-didit 122.94 99.6%
shoneywokman 66.60 97.9%