again - anonymous

This quote was added by z3ndmt
Here we are again, typing another quote. This is like many others that you have read. Mindlessly typing words to ensure that the quote is able to submit due to character count. I hope you have enjoyed this easy quote.

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Name WPM Accuracy
jiggalee 176.63 100%
hololivefan 175.08 100%
user627603 166.03 98.6%
user871724 162.66 98.6%
69buttpractice 162.64 100%
user491757 147.79 96.9%
user571646 146.09 98.6%
berryberryberry 144.07 91.7%
junkbaby 139.18 98.2%
2001or2 139.15 97.3%

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Name WPM Accuracy
beckycudecki 57.68 96.4%
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smartboynaresh 99.93 96.0%
ceifero 69.03 97.3%
user851491 131.91 98.2%
hamchow 102.51 95.7%
shinji9 60.13 95.6%
queenrita124 95.03 98.6%