3 outfits - Tai Verdes

This quote was added by mojojojofrojo
Need to hear that four-letter word in your tonsils. Right when I call ya. You never know, I could die tomorrow. Or the next day, in the worst way. Baby, can you come save me, uh, come save me?

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localbisexual 2 years, 4 months ago
how long do we predict i'll stay top 2? i'm guessing: not long

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johnymaccarroni 145.85 98.0%
jiggalee 138.27 98.5%
user291759 131.59 98.0%
typist_type 128.90 100%
user871724 127.77 97.0%
strikeemblem 125.02 95.5%
hackertyper492 122.49 96.0%
ba7man 120.94 98.0%
user891679 118.73 98.5%
user491757 116.93 93.7%

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csr 50.29 90.1%
user694621 48.53 95.0%
jiggalee 138.27 98.5%