Hello, hey, hi, how ya doin'? - Gina D.

This quote was added by user713307
Hey all! How's everyone doing these days? Still typing along, doing endless amounts of quotes every day? I swear I get so caught up in doing these typing tests that I lose track of time. I hope everyone is feeling accomplished!

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
strikeemblem 121.20 95.4%
jacqueline1234 112.01 96.6%
hamchow 109.86 99.1%
trishadgk 105.67 94.2%
noobplayer 105.45 98.7%
dante-didit 94.71 94.6%
algo 93.28 96.2%
user206721 91.00 96.2%
user440530 87.81 99.1%
ldbright 87.35 90.1%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
user975126 56.88 91.5%
typefighter 77.28 94.6%
ldbright 87.35 90.1%
ginjiruu 55.52 90.8%
user843630 84.04 96.6%
user440530 87.81 99.1%
sunglasses680 30.19 95.0%
ck541 49.08 95.0%