Just a first quote - Carlitos

This quote was added by carlitoslchm
I found this website after being introduced to it by my computer science teacher. But here's the thing, we were required to do type in it every morning. So, as I am sitting in the class during the morning, I am writing this quote with plans to make a few quotes. This is the first of a few quotes I will write so, hello world.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 159.57 97.3%
srm 145.36 95.3%
typin_ 141.46 91.8%
user491757 138.44 97.0%
ned1230noskip 133.79 94.5%
venerated 126.66 95.0%
strikeemblem 126.44 96.5%
pcapriotti 123.43 98.8%
user81230 122.40 98.2%
feuv 118.73 99.1%

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Name WPM Accuracy
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gwaldrop 108.53 97.6%
user491757 138.44 97.0%
typin_ 141.46 91.8%