
This quote was added by jen23
I can no longer light myself on fire to warm up others from the cold. Everyone else is not my responsibility and it is time I learn to treat myself better and take care of me.

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hololivefan 182.77 100%
user871724 181.90 96.2%
venerated 173.32 100%
berryberryberry 165.77 96.2%
iltranscendent 158.72 100%
69buttpractice 155.26 100%
2001or2 153.37 98.3%
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bmcgoo 150.44 100%
bennyues 149.83 98.3%

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ccanb 108.21 97.2%
user781461 75.97 93.4%
morkel 74.05 100%