baka - edward jeon

This quote was added by user688651
sniff* sniff* sniff* you kinda smell. like a Baka Eren Yeager. Edward is a failure for not going to university he is trash for that no one loves him he is doodoo.

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quoteinspector 2 years, 4 months ago
this sucks. 0/10/ quote.

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keybordcrusader 78.40 93.6%
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bagdat2004 64.99 95.3%
user80864 64.57 92.0%
disky 63.91 90.5%
spiritowl 61.74 91.0%
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punst3r7 52.54 94.7%
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nettaivey 36.52 84.9%
user332882 51.29 94.2%
spiritowl 61.74 91.0%