SCHOOL - Samwel Nyanjah

This quote was added by samwelnyanjah
To me, a school is a laboratory where everyone has to test the weapons they shall use in the world. And that all the consistent suffering in the world is as a result of poor or bad training in school. For amongst all weapons that have changed the societies and the world, the BOOK is the most adorable.

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percea 1 year, 5 months ago
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jiggalee 149.44 95.3%
user871724 146.09 96.5%
restspeaker 130.64 95.0%
strikeemblem 128.97 97.7%
syterth 127.16 100%
feuv 126.95 97.7%
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rivendellis 121.80 97.7%
iltranscendent 118.07 99.7%
jezpher 118.03 99.3%

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user67212 67.62 93.0%
maadj 82.09 94.7%
thedylanboyd 78.20 94.4%