Emma Smith

This quote was added by catrice
Hi, I'm a fetus! I'm here to feed upon your body for three quarters of a year and then violently tear my way out of it without your consent. This is not assault. It's normal. In fact, it's wonderful. There is no basis for considering abortion self-defense!

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neveronground 1 year, 9 months ago
Birth control is used even by people who want to make as many babies as possible.
isaactyping 1 year, 9 months ago
Yes! you are stupid. It Gods will for growing life and giving birth! You are sinning, evil and cruel! It's a hell to think that! And it's a shame that your going to hell if you do not repent. I'm telling you the truth that will determine you future, life and last breathe. Think about what I just said! Please. Isaac
esthertypingtest 1 year, 10 months ago
It is not the hell of a way to describe growing life and giving birth. What got into you to think that? Esther.
kyle_w 1 year, 10 months ago
So dumb. It's a hell of a way to describe growing life and giving birth.

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