Wind - Bao Trang N.

This quote was added by thisisnobody
Did you know that the wind won't make a sound even if they go like the speed of light if nothing is blocking it? Wind only make sounds when something is blocking it.

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strikeemblem 152.90 100%
user98852 138.34 97.6%
user491757 137.79 94.8%
lienlinnn 119.57 97.1%
rkoh 113.76 100%
npabs 112.09 96.5%
diamondrock 110.19 100%
lisa1025 108.26 100%
somerandomppl 105.54 97.1%
afminto 103.95 96.5%

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kicko 103.71 92.2%
geageorgia 79.58 94.9%
user104405 102.13 97.6%
user498841 74.68 88.2%