Muscle Memory - Diane Mitts

This quote was added by user821553
What really helped me improve my typing speed is focusing more on accuracy. The more I type correctly, it builds up my "muscle memory" to the point that I don't have to look at my fingers to make sure they are properly placed! That in turn helps my SPEED!

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
jiggalee 144.12 98.8%
mafuso 116.50 98.8%
2001or2 111.35 87.0%
bkpark 98.94 99.6%
keydestroyer96 98.87 96.6%
spiritowl 95.50 94.8%
csbales 95.13 94.4%
owolord 94.97 100%
kicko 93.69 94.4%
bweeta 92.37 98.5%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user85658 75.12 97.7%
user811721 45.40 88.0%
saleheen01924 34.78 83.3%
mxmxovich 64.92 98.5%
faillogic 88.14 95.5%
jiggalee 144.12 98.8%
suru 45.62 93.4%
bweeta 92.37 98.5%