Little typing tip - Bao Trang N.

This quote was added by thisisnobody
I know what you're feeling right now. Frustrated, stressed, anxious, etc. I know every single feeling you have when you're doing this. I know you just want a peaceful typing test without making mistakes. But I know that you know that this is not possible. At least, for you and me. And being frustrated negatively affects my typing speed. So this is a tip for you. When you're in this situation, take a breath, walk outside, drink water, take a shower, or all the things that calm you down.

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user871724 149.10 98.4%
strikeemblem 129.01 96.3%
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dpaulsen2 120.98 100%
iltranscendent 120.57 98.0%
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user679371 114.21 96.9%
serinataylor 111.25 98.4%

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