Life Quote - Ava Johannes

This quote was added by user655910
Always be yourself. At the end of the day, that's all you've really got; when you strip everything down, that's all you've got, so always be yourself.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 186.14 100%
penguino_beano 158.84 96.8%
mafuso 144.76 100%
user491757 136.73 96.2%
mentalist 126.17 98.7%
user88803 122.08 100%
jacqueline1234 119.43 98.0%
geryjs 117.03 98.7%
keystone8574 113.16 98.7%
localbisexual 111.91 91.5%

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shang88 85.40 94.9%
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machinist80 66.32 91.5%
slaughtermelon 80.88 95.5%
user108958 30.42 96.2%
user514706 58.18 80.6%
yousseff 79.47 94.3%