Manipulation - Roy<3

This quote was added by hello_im_existing
What a cruel thing. It's only fair when the manipulator gets manipulated. I hate my father for teaching me such foul things. Abusing me and my brothers. Manipulation isn't something inherited, it is something someone learns, something someone has experienced. I am a manipulator.

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geryjs 116.36 98.2%
user381085 95.31 93.3%
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user817767 83.41 94.9%
donoshea 83.07 90.9%
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orp26 72.13 95.9%
msorscher 63.45 93%

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zydokomuna 62.36 92.7%
carloselcrackt1 29.80 85.3%
geryjs 116.36 98.2%