Jordan Peterson

This quote was added by user854145
Aim at something. Pick the best target you can currently conceptualize. Stumble towards it. Notice your errors and misconceptions along the way, face them, and correct them.

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Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 160.42 100%
user871724 147.66 93.5%
strikeemblem 112.68 98.3%
bweeta 99.40 99.4%
petrolfume 95.96 96.6%
kicko 93.97 93.5%
user108157 93.91 94.0%
mbqg1234 90.70 88.7%
donoshea 89.41 95.1%
zeravla708 88.08 98.9%

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user108790 21.55 85.3%
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bellasmom 67.43 97.7%