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This quote was added by unknownuseri
People nowadays, Scroll through TikTok less people do work or charge their Chromebook for school. I think people should behave more and have less digital devices than having more digital devices.

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alkos 2 months ago
what did i just read

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Name WPM Accuracy
typin_ 171.23 96.5%
venerated 139.01 100%
arrapvalle 106.10 99.0%
marchtoglory 106.01 92.9%
mafuso 105.80 98.5%
pontoko 105.60 93.3%
miserableusagi 104.86 95.6%
jacqueline1234 100.51 95.1%
alkos 100.16 97.5%
rivendellis 99.55 93.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
jacqueline1234 100.51 95.1%
donoshea 90.28 95.1%
bp.kuma 63.56 93.8%
stevendiao 78.43 92.5%
typin_ 171.23 96.5%
alkos 100.16 97.5%
slaughtermelon 62.23 92.4%
elpatrongarcia 75.18 92.9%