Short Quotes - Jeremiah S.

This quote was added by jgdude
You know, if those who claim to want to give you a short quote stopped patting themselves on the back, they could make even shorter quotes. Just type and enjoy the quotes you do, stop flooding the quote pool complaining.

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cynoyappingxd 1 month, 1 week ago
What the f*ck it this piece of shit.......
chenille 1 year ago
There's a minimum character count.
saad231 1 year ago
You know, if those who clime to want to give you a short quote stopped patting stopped patting themselves on the back, they could make even shorter quotes. Just type and enjoy the quotes you do, stop flooding the quote pool complaining.
toinfinity 1 year, 4 months ago
Says the person flooding the quote pool complaining.

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user871724 191.68 99.1%
user491757 160.43 100%
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onetwothreefour1234 150.90 100%
restspeaker 142.29 98.7%
venerated 140.75 97.8%
toinfinity 138.24 94.4%
airi 137.85 98.2%
user975182 136.27 94.4%
typergui 134.14 100%

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alcuin 55.22 92.9%
user85658 61.34 88.7%
noobplayer 104.65 96.9%