In Moderation - Olalelilu

This quote was added by olalelilu
As it goes: things should be in moderation! Too much of anything will inevitably be bad for a person, not just physically but mentally as well. Everyone knows the buzz words: overdose and addiction. I believe that there's nothing in the universe you can't get too much of in some way or another; you can even drink too much water or hyperventilate. That said, let's enjoy our typing tests- in moderation.

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iltranscendent 119.67 99.0%
rivendellis 118.59 96.7%
user717489 116.65 94.0%
strikeemblem 114.47 96.9%
mafuso 114.20 96.7%
heyitsmelx 112.41 97.6%
rossgshaffer 111.90 98.8%
freu 109.07 97.3%
space_cadet 108.98 97.8%
spiritowl 107.75 99.0%

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smartboynaresh 71.49 94.8%
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user85179 70.53 91.1%
hamchow 89.45 95.3%
rozzz 63.51 94.2%
hamchow 91.54 94.2%
krista405 37.64 94.0%