Maybe relax and try again later - a fellow typist

This quote was added by keyhero_111
Hey you! Are you typing non stop but still stuck on your WPM? Why not stop for a while and take a walk outside? Scientific studies show that the human brain is super elastic. When you practice typing, your brain works hard on processing all kinds of information, then if you take a rest, it will have the chance to sort out and digest previous experiences, therefore rewire and improve itself. It's kinda like a spring, you stretch it, and relax it. Over stretching only does more harm than good.

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chieftyper 9 months, 4 weeks ago
ok taking a break now, thank you

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 152.82 94.0%
hackertyper492 122.91 92.0%
rivendellis 115.80 97.3%
arrathore 113.98 95.6%
strikeemblem 113.37 97.5%
thefiretyper 112.66 97.7%
iltranscendent 111.84 97.8%
spiritowl 110.65 98.6%
user98852 109.73 95.6%
bbuell01 106.03 95.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user564583 43.09 92.6%
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yoko 71.15 89.0%
hamchow 91.35 95.4%
magesh 84.12 92.4%