Colorschemes - ChatGPT

This quote was added by user101786
Shades of green, such as emerald green or forest green, can be a good choice for keyword highlighting. Green provides a pleasant contrast to other colors in the code and is visually distinct.

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
tetriks5 122.46 97.0%
dolovergirl 117.74 97.4%
user851491 113.61 96.5%
maplecrofte 112.52 97.0%
blitzskawica 110.44 96.5%
iliketotype74 108.52 99.5%
kaiserpepper 107.68 93.2%
gordonlew 107.02 94.1%
algo 105.87 99.0%
axelsdrlnd 105.09 98.5%

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Name WPM Accuracy
kicko 96.97 96.0%
typinglindsey 66.74 96.5%
harshashettigar 46.46 92.3%
user933471 45.64 91.9%
muxedotask 81.86 94.6%
slaughtermelon 73.39 94.6%
user107783 28.65 92.7%
maadj 54.07 89.3%