Confused - WRENCH!

This quote was added by wrench1
I had this account for a few months and wrote a fair share of quotes on this site. Looking at my approved and rated quotes, I noticed something; some people just rate but don't type. Do some of yall just go in this site to read? Do some of yall just not type on a typing website?

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slowtyper237 7 months, 1 week ago
I for one, have no idea

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Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
venerated 159.57 100%
vmlm 136.98 98.6%
iltranscendent 130.41 98.2%
junkbaby 130.02 95.9%
strikeemblem 126.22 96.9%
rossgshaffer 124.87 97.9%
marib 118.65 96.9%
dcb87 115.52 98.6%
kaiserpepper 115.42 92.7%
user724289 114.73 98.6%

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Name WPM Accuracy
donoshea 77.91 87.2%
jellyvanessa 96.45 94.3%
user100406 61.34 92.7%
kent 82.71 89.2%
bvw 34.54 91.2%
user762740 36.97 93.6%
mgraham 69.30 90.4%
ayanak 52.77 93.9%