A Paradise - PeachFlavoredRings

This quote was added by peachflavoredrings
To be able to go to a place where I can escape from everything and everyone, and then come back when I miss the few things I actually cherish here, would be heavenly. A place where I can be my true self without having to worry about who's going to make fun of me or judge me for it. A place where my feelings matter. A place where I'm appreciated for the things I do. A place where I can talk about the things I'm passionate about and have people actually listen. A paradise.

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user871724 175.74 98.8%
marchtoglory 121.04 94.8%
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peachflavoredrings 103.15 96.5%
gwaldrop 98.65 92.1%
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faillogic 88.16 96.0%

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faillogic 88.16 96.0%
watermelome 88.24 95.0%
arun0609 45.69 93.7%