SIX the Musical - All You Wanna Do - Katherine Howard

This quote was added by user533356
All you wanna do, all you wanna do, babe is touch me, love me, can't get enough, see. All you wanna do, all you wanna do, babe is please me, squeeze me, birds and the bees me.

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beefybread 129.79 97.8%
rubenpire7 89.15 98.9%
user440868 83.63 99.4%
user90997 81.73 91.6%
wanna_be_typist 81.00 97.2%
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myachlyses 72.62 95.1%
rainbowcoup 65.75 95.6%
mikethegreat13 62.13 98.9%

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rainbowcoup 65.75 95.6%
user99861 58.88 98.3%
beefybread 129.79 97.8%