
This quote was added by agie
Again - "Success is not an accident." Our problem in our other attempts was that we were blazing our own trail to success, not really knowing what successful people were doing 0 not really knowing what it was that made them successful, and were not following a tested an proven plan.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
user108245 111.88 99.6%
strikeemblem 110.97 96.6%
kicko 96.81 92.8%
silverlegend 95.58 99.3%
dutchman13 91.72 97.5%
jrk0414 90.45 98.6%
donoshea 89.18 96.3%
mschibbles 89.15 98.9%
basokeraton 88.51 96.5%

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rkoh 83.97 94.6%
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sb12370 56.35 86.5%
kicko 96.39 94.6%
js88 58.00 95.0%
donoshea 89.18 96.3%