Said the King to the River - La Dispute

This quote was added by user107192
We are not clean, we are not pure, we will not rest until we're sure, so rob your pretty little eyes of sleep's disguise, I'm at your bedside with a bucket full of lies, so clear your ears and listen, up my lady, pack your things, this place is not your home.

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fnebex 6 months ago
Solid song. I remember seeing them live back in 2012. Great times.
lunienul 6 months ago
bark. barkk bark. bark

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user871724 152.00 98.9%
noobplayer 120.81 98.1%
trishadgk 119.24 95.9%
geryjs 115.48 98.1%
user274405 108.48 97.0%
rivendellis 106.79 94.9%
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strikeemblem 104.10 97.0%
lacsaokarylle08 94.05 95.9%
philipseudo 93.26 97.4%

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iriial_ 42.94 86.9%
user107563 80.99 97.0%
user99773 74.59 97.4%