Glove80 - Timothy

This quote was added by tjapit
I just got myself an early birthday present, a new life partner, the Glove80. I'm currently on my third day of the adjustment period from a normal, staggered keyboard (I was on a Langtu GK65) to this new columnar layout. I'm proud to say that I've gotten up to 50-70% of my regular typing speed through doing focused practice on this site at least 15 minutes a day. I'm loving the thumb clusters, btw. Why the heck aren't these more commonplace?! Our thumbs are strong, let it do work!

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Name WPM Accuracy
tjapit 97.26 97.6%
heatr4real 67.54 96.0%
hitinok 61.08 96.6%
user107692 47.67 95.5%
vivianli 41.96 96.0%

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Name WPM Accuracy
hitinok 61.08 96.6%
tjapit 97.26 97.6%
user107692 47.67 95.5%
heatr4real 67.54 96.0%
vivianli 41.96 96.0%
tjapit 58.63 94.7%