Infinity - SuperM

This quote was added by jessicadr818
Nothing to phase us, shoot for the sky! Double amazing, triple the fly! Whatever we're on, thinking I'm out of my zone. Still in my element, can't quit. Energy constant, ready to run this!

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Name WPM Accuracy
user871724 152.73 98.4%
simi_ 90.87 94.9%
donoshea 90.06 95.9%
clickclackm00 88.79 96.9%
user108157 82.97 95.9%
user99858 81.52 96.9%
sterlingwolf 81.35 95.4%
vilelikefire 79.90 98.4%
rkoh 79.17 93.0%
swolchuck 76.56 98.9%

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simi_ 90.87 94.9%
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janhernandez_b39 52.81 86.4%
bp.kuma 61.01 94%
merscadag 58.72 93.1%
user871724 152.73 98.4%
user90946 46.98 92.2%