Game of Thrones - Jon snow

This quote was added by hannah.poe
They fought together, against their common enemy. Despite their differences, despite their suspicions-together. And we need to do the same if we're going to survive, because the enemy is real. It's always been real.

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user871724 171.37 95.6%
typin_ 156.15 94.3%
forkhunter 131.77 96.4%
strikeemblem 116.92 94.3%
kensmom825 113.26 98.6%
noobplayer 104.83 93.1%
kicko 102.03 93.9%
algo 98.12 93.1%
yagoliz 97.73 97.3%
user90997 97.12 92.3%

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Name WPM Accuracy
forkhunter 131.77 96.4%
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lpm14 72.51 87.4%
kyraa708 77.21 97.3%
kris10 58.95 96.8%
user871724 171.37 95.6%
acer1976 60.23 96.0%