Pure - Rex Orange County

This quote was added by kikosremains
So it started on me, I know my babe. We live some more than I would ever choose to take. But, honestly, I wouldn't want it any other way. And all we have is right now. Let's speak still and find some place 'til we run out of time. Right now. Are you coming with me baby? Will you hold my hand?

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npabs 112.49 97.7%
clonedcow 108.78 99.3%
user90997 107.28 95.4%
user80864 90.33 95.2%
user830398 83.32 94.8%
gladevise 78.62 98.0%
maheem 76.05 99.0%
theago 71.90 96.4%
user430679 69.96 96.1%
clairemoore 68.08 100%

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user830398 83.32 94.8%
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clairemoore 68.08 100%
mike7lap 39.08 99.0%
npabs 102.30 96.1%
clonedcow 108.78 99.3%
user430679 69.96 96.1%