On Autonomy - Dragon Found by Sam Hall

This quote was added by kait999
A woman. No an adult. Every day I got up and ensured my own survival with no help... I might be young. I might be inexperienced, but no one can take my autonomy from me, not without my permission.

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user238034 76.09 98.5%
kait999 69.15 98%
user99861 42.90 93.8%

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kait999 55.26 89.9%
kait999 60.27 91.6%
kait999 60.15 88.3%
kait999 65.67 94.7%
kait999 59.50 91.6%
kait999 55.24 88.3%
user99861 42.90 93.8%
kait999 57.54 89.5%