
This quote was added by jupitergwin
No, we're not soulmates. This is not divine intervention. And this is most certainly not chance. I willed this. I knit the threads of fate myself until they spelled your name. I love you intentionally. I love you with every bit of conscience I was born with.

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typin_ 173.07 96.6%
kyle_w 120.11 99.2%
user843630 99.43 96.3%
npabs 92.68 93.8%
jupitergwin 80.92 93.5%
ashrosetta123 71.55 88.4%
user564583 48.44 93.5%
user108259 23.29 93.8%

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Name WPM Accuracy
ashrosetta123 71.55 88.4%
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kyle_w 108.94 93.8%
user843630 85.04 96.3%
kyle_w 120.11 99.2%
user564583 48.44 93.5%
npabs 92.68 93.8%
jupitergwin 80.92 93.5%