Volition, Disco Elysium

This quote was added by wyvern
Subdue the regret. Dust yourself off, proceed. You'll get it in the next life, where you don't make mistakes. Do what you can with this one, while you're alive. The road is going to be a long one. Stay the course. You will make it, someday. I'm on your side.

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tang 127.10 98.9%
donoshea 93.29 92.5%
user105219 86.54 98.1%
user982408 86.41 92.8%
user513723 72.96 91.5%
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megadragon 65.87 94.9%
wyvern 60.30 97.7%

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user486616 70.51 94.5%
cfav 57.82 99.2%
user982408 86.41 92.8%