Del's Final Speech in Driveways - Bos & Thureen

This quote was added by bmcgoo
You know what I wish? I wish me and Eddie was just leaving Joplin this morning. I wish we could do that whole trip all over again. We'd be a little more deliberate this time, drive a little slower, take our time, take a good look at stuff. Really... really see the country.

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bmcgoo 121.26 97.5%
npabs 111.10 96.5%
diamondrock 78.15 94.2%
awesomemedic95 78.04 97.8%
nhjtruong 76.66 96.5%
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user45928 71.45 99.6%
soymilk00 69.15 95.1%
cattype123 59.68 97.2%
user108661 55.67 93.8%

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nhjtruong 76.66 96.5%
bmcgoo 121.26 97.5%
kait999 52.60 90.7%