Gravity - - Maurice Minnifield -

This quote was added by user108042
Gravity. It keeps you rooted to the ground. In space, there's not any gravity. You just kind of leave your feet and go floating around. Is that what being in love is like, Holling?

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Name WPM Accuracy
dcb87 118.71 100%
ccanb 101.47 98.9%
donoshea 94.99 94.2%
kobo 71.99 90%
youdontwantokno 69.88 94.2%
kait999 61.78 93.8%
user108042 60.34 95.8%
larry_bert 58.31 96.3%
user564583 52.48 97.3%
typytype123 34.21 95.7%

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Name WPM Accuracy
dcb87 118.71 100%
donoshea 94.99 94.2%
kait999 59.72 93.3%
typytype123 34.21 95.7%
kait999 61.78 93.8%
kobo 71.99 90%
youdontwantokno 69.88 94.2%
user564583 52.48 97.3%