This quote was added by 64mb17
You're stumbling through the dark, grasping for something you can't even name. You had it once, didn't you? That fleeting taste of what you crave. And now, you're desperate to reclaim it, like a dog chasing its own tail.

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muxedotask 89.68 95.7%
tschrepel 81.12 95.2%
maadj 73.45 96.1%
thecrazydane2 60.96 82.4%
sotype 43.82 95.7%

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sotype 43.82 95.7%
maadj 73.45 96.1%
muxedotask 89.68 95.7%
thecrazydane2 60.96 82.4%
tschrepel 81.12 95.2%