For Now - Avenue Q

This quote was added by delphisdaughter
Everyone's a little bit unsatisfied. Everyone goes 'round a bit empty inside. Take a breath, look around, and swallow your pride; for now. Nothing lasts. Life goes on full of surprises. You'll be faced with problems of all shapes and sizes. You're going to have to make a few compromises; for now. But only for now. Don't stress, relax. Let life roll off your back. Except for death and paying taxes, everything in life is only for now.

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Name WPM Accuracy
user107563 74.81 97.5%
delphisdaughter 64.49 97.8%
hiphopapotamus 60.42 92.2%
lings 31.75 92.2%
user109073 22.30 70.4%

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Name WPM Accuracy
user109073 22.30 70.4%
user107563 74.81 97.5%
delphisdaughter 64.49 97.8%
hiphopapotamus 60.42 92.2%
delphisdaughter 57.85 95.8%
delphisdaughter 62.38 98.4%
lings 31.75 92.2%