A story to practice typing - Generated by Copilot

This quote was added by cfav
Once upon a time, in a land of rolling hills and clear skies, there was a village where the people were known for their exceptional typing skills. They held a festival each year to celebrate the art of typing, where the fastest and most accurate typists were honored.

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Score (WPM) distribution for this quote. More.

Best scores for this typing test

Name WPM Accuracy
user45928 63.38 96.4%
user109573 54.60 97.1%
user69750 54.14 94.0%
itzy_yeji 25.31 90.1%
user109596 24.05 85.1%
fe_gonzales40 17.87 93.0%

Recently for

Name WPM Accuracy
user109596 24.05 85.1%
user45928 63.38 96.4%
user69750 54.14 94.0%
itzy_yeji 25.31 90.1%
user109573 54.60 97.1%
fe_gonzales40 17.87 93.0%