Befriend the Monsters - A H Hadley

This quote was added by kait999
There's nothing wrong with living in the shadows. It's where the monsters hide. Befriend them, because there's nothing more powerful than realizing you have the power to write your own destiny.

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Name WPM Accuracy
peachflavoredrings 105.54 98.5%
user830398 93.54 97.5%
kait999 82.99 97.5%
maadj 78.88 90.6%
kobo 73.23 88.6%

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Name WPM Accuracy
kait999 64.82 85.0%
kait999 75.34 95.1%
user830398 93.54 97.5%
maadj 78.88 90.6%
kait999 82.99 97.5%
kait999 72.21 94.1%
peachflavoredrings 105.54 98.5%
kobo 73.23 88.6%