Ivanhoe - Sir Walter Scott

This quote was added by generallee
Farewell! I envy not thy blood-won honours; I envy not thy barbarous descent from Northern heathens; I envy thee not thy faith, which is ever in thy mouth but never in thy heart or practice.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
2001or2 128.44 95%
firefingers1992 114.09 96.9%
lytewerk 113.95 95.5%
netramz 107.71 97.9%
ilovejujubee 104.10 96.9%
jan_londen 102.17 95.5%
vmlm 97.32 95%
strikeemblem 94.33 96.1%
bb__ 91.13 94.5%

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strikeemblem 94.33 96.1%
shanthanreddy77 52.12 91.3%
munphen 22.84 84.8%