Karen Carpenter

This quote was added by cherry-tan
I enjoy money. Not enough people in this world are happy. I'm determined to be contented, and having plenty of money from working makes it easier for me.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
user871724 167.40 91.1%
joshuawa 149.01 99.4%
strikeemblem 128.95 99.4%
2001or2 128.18 94.4%
adrianpb 123.04 96.8%
dcb87 119.88 98.7%
geryjs 119.27 96.2%
lkorth 118.45 100%
kicko 107.25 100%

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gamingmoments 42.09 96.2%
swolchuck 86.11 98.7%
remremrem 95.74 97.5%
user390874 59.34 92.2%