Music - Anonymous

This quote was added by user29499
If the musics too loud you are too old. Music is the thing life is all about with out it us as people are nothing. We need something to connect to... who we are.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
2001or2 141.39 93.1%
user381085 127.86 97.6%
npabs 118.50 98.2%
marib 115.05 95.8%
mgreen22097 113.73 99.4%
dante-didit 113.17 96.4%
sterlingwolf 111.18 98.8%
hamchow 109.39 98.2%
netramz 108.24 95.3%

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donoshea 71.95 86.6%
user109196 50.54 96.4%
cholloway526 95.77 97.6%