Me - Like i'd tell you who I am..........:\

This quote was added by haya
I guess you could call me weird but then everybody is weird. My motto is "what can't kill you, can only make you stronger." I like helping people but I can't stand irritating people. I have a kind of sadistic personality. I take pleasure when one of the annoying gang is in discomfort. You can usually see me laughing my head off when that happens.

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gedeon 10 years, 8 months ago
Downvoted accordingly!
malevolarky 10 years, 8 months ago
Please, one more down-vote ... that is all that it will take to remove this one from the pool.
teilo 10 years, 10 months ago
Please submit quotes from public people, history, culture, media, entertainment, etc. Please don't post personal profiles, feelings, or musings as quotes.

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