Adam Smith

This quote was added by edgarpatlan76
The man who works so moderately as to be able to work constantly, not only preserves his health the longest, but in the course of the year, executes the greatest quantity of works.

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Name WPM Accuracy
eventlogging 170.00 100%
user871724 154.25 96.3%
wolfram 141.44 94.7%
starl1ng 138.13 100%
mrsjsmiley 136.84 100%
chucktoddfan 136.16 100%
jan_londen 135.13 100%
ilovejujubee 134.01 96.8%
laserray33 129.82 100%
synnekorino 129.20 99.4%

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user105219 71.98 91.4%
rkoh 87.11 94.7%
tsk7795 95.61 98.4%
blizda 67.58 84.5%
user107017 38.65 97.3%
cobalt_ocean 48.38 83.3%
user390874 64.30 96.3%
corporatedim7833 80.24 98.9%