Live Life - Amy Pacheco

This quote was added by pachecooo16
Live life to the fullest. Don't let go of who you are. Keep moving forward and don't allow anyone to stop you from reaching your goals. Have fun. Love your enemies and most importantly, be happy!

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user871724 177.50 98.0%
2001or2 173.49 98.5%
eventlogging 170.00 100%
rezai 165.15 100%
user491757 155.17 100%
andrbroo1 131.19 99.5%
strikeemblem 130.33 96.1%
jacqueline1234 128.46 98.5%
gwaldrop 123.41 97.5%
user40438 122.50 98.0%

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user109013 33.93 88.5%
user85658 77.31 97.0%
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