Vedanta Treatise - A Partha sarathi

This quote was added by parth09
The physical body has two sets of organs. The five organs of perception and five organs of action. The organs of perception are the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. The organs of action are the hands, feet and the organs of speech, generation and excretion.

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dvorakdan 8 years, 7 months ago
one hands, two feet, three organ of speech, four organ of generation, five organ(s) of excretion?
I don't think I get it, where does the brain fit in? aren't arms and legs part of the hands and feet? Isn't skin everywhere? Aren't the lungs an organ? The heart?
going to give this a sad face.
vmlm 11 years ago
I'm pretty sure medical science has come a long way since this list of organs was construed.

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